Aug 23, 2022Liked by Niall O'Sullivan

Enjoyed that Nial. For some reason, the use e-scooter really makes me laugh.

An another note, for some reason I’m no longer getting your audio into my Apple podcast feed. Do I need to redo it?

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Thanks Paul! I didn’t know anyone was listening to the podcast feed! I’ve been posting them as normal posts because Substack now allows you to post audio commentary without having to make a podcast of it. I think the podcast episodes go straight to the spam or promotions folder in most cases whereas the normal posts seem to to land directly into more inboxes.

At the same time, I didn’t want to double up the posts and podcasts. That said, I’ve been considering uploading a monthly highlights podcast instead, featuring my favourite posts with a bit of banter in between. I think I might still go with that now that I know the podcast posts are being listened to.

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Fair enough. I’m using the app now so I get the alerts whenever you put anything up, so I’m not missing out.

Good to see you putting stuff again

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